Stihl String Trimmer Won’t Start

Stihl String Trimmer Won’t Start. Stihl is a very famous brand name for string trimmers and if you want the best performance, you need to be using their brand.

It’s true that the Stihl line of gas string trimmers is high quality, but they are not perfect.

They will occasionally suffer problems during use like engine stalling out due to fuel cooling issues or carburetor issues.

These two factors can cause the equipment to be compromised in its effectiveness and may require service work done on your machine by a professional technician as they should be handled with skill and care only by a trained expert because if improperly repaired, there is a danger of collapse or further malfunctioning.

Stihl String Trimmer Won’t Start

stihl string trimmer won't start

If your Stihl trimmer does not start, you should check several things before assuming that any major repairs are needed. You should check the gas flow and the spark first to see if either of them is compromised. If they aren’t, then your problem likely lies with something a little more serious like faulty air filter or spark plug, which requires an expert to fix.

The following is a list of some common problems with Stihl string trimmers that won’t start.

Pulley And Spring Rewound

The rewinding spring might have broken. When the starter rope is pulled and released, the rewinding spring recoils the starter rope onto the rewinder pulley.

If that cooling spring has snapped, holding back its energy, it won’t be able to recoil onto the pulley as intended. As a result, your car engine will not start.

If that isn’t working anymore, you can buy a new unit. You will need to replace both springs and pulleys so make sure you don’t forget necessary peripherals when doing so.

Starter Pulley Recoiled

The recoil starter pulley helps to wind up ropes that are in use by hand cranking as well as replacing the rope itself when it is worn out.

If the recoil pulley isn’t working properly, you’ll have a more difficult time rewinding the rope so it can be used again; it could also cause problems with your engine.

If the recoil pulley isn’t working, replace it, and you should notice less effort required on your part when starting your engine.

Starter Coil Issue

starter coil issue

The recoil starter assembly is what engages the engine to crank over. If the recoil starter assembly is broken, the engine will not start.

You need to remove the starter assembly and inspect it to see if it works properly.

When you pull on the starter rope, you should see tabs extending from the pulley grab onto a hook-like structure on the side of the engine so that the engine spins with them when you pull.

When you let go of the rope, those tabs should retract back into place so that they are no longer connected to this part of the engine.

If your starter assembly is not working correctly or looks broken in any way, please replace it immediately.

Carburetor Trouble

The carburetor might be clogged. A clogged carburetor is most commonly caused by leaving fuel in the string trimmer for a long period of time.

Over time, some of the ingredients in the fuel may evaporate, leaving behind a thicker, stickier substance known as ethanol that can clog up the carburetor and prevent the engine from starting.

If this is happening it usually is due to your fuel becoming contaminated with water so try drying out your gas and running it on dry gas. If you have already done all this and it still continues to stall, then look into replacing or rebuilding your carburetor.

Defective Spark Plug

Check for signs of wear and damage to the spark plug. If you find that either the porcelain insulator or an electrode is cracked, burned away, or damaged, or if there are carbon deposits present at an electrode, it may be time to replace your spark plug.

To determine whether your spark plug is indeed worn or defective, use a spark plug tester tool that uses compressed air to send a high voltage charge between the plug’s connector when you turn its key.

If you happen to have no spark whatsoever with the engine running this could signify that your spark plug is worn down and needs replacement.

Faulty Spark Arrestor

A screen can prevent sparks from escaping from a chimney. Over time, a spark arrester can become dirty or clogged due to the lack of use or fault of the installer.

If the spark arrestor is dirty and clogged, it may prevent the fire from burning properly, blocking the warm air flow out.

Cleaning your spark arrestor regularly will help keep your chimney in proper working order – but if dirt and ash continue to remain a problem you may consider hiring an engineer to replace it as it may be doing more harm than good.

Stihl String Trimmer Won’t Start

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